Professional Blemish Removal By Electrocoagulation
Whether it be a vascular or pigmented or a raised bump on the skin, our solutions effectively treat small benign bumps that can affect facial or body appearance. Our services safely and efficiently remove these imperfections, leaving your skin smooth and flawless. We offer quicker, more affordable treatment options and you won't have to wait months to see us. Schedule a consultation with us to take the first step towards achieving healthy, flawless, and beautiful skin.
We specialize in treating aesthetically benign skin blemishes and are unable to treat skin diseases. Most conditions are successfully treated in 1–3, 15-minute sessions, with minimal skin reaction. Typical area treated, face, neck, chest, hands, and arms. This treatment is safe for all skin types.
Most Common Benign Blemishes
- Skin tags
Can be smooth or irregular, and are usually found in skin folds like the armpits, neck, and groin. They can be attached to the skin by a stalk called a peduncle. Skin tags are not dangerous, but they can be irritating if they get caught on clothing.
- Milia
Small, hard, white or yellow bumps that are usually found on the face, around the eyes and cheeks. They are caused by a buildup of excess sebum, debris and keratin, a protein that's normally found in skin tissues, hair, and nails. Milia are harmless and will often go away on their own.
- Seborrheic keratosesBenign skin growths that can appear on any part of the body, but are most often found on the back or chest. They grow slowly, either singly or in groups. About 30% of people have at least one seborrheic keratosis by the age of 40, and about 75% by the age of 70.
How It Works
A small probe with a minute electric current is used to cauterize the skin blemish. Most blemishes and skin tags will immediately decrease in size or even fall away during the procedure. An antibiotic ointment (Polysporin®) will be applied immediately following your treatment. All blemishes will dry up and create a scab 2-3 days following your treatment.
Electrocoagulation is a quick and effective solution for removing various skin blemishes, it is safe and effective for all skin types.
Electrocoagulation is virtually painless, but some patients may feel a slight pricking sensation.
Within the first 24 hrs. the skin may be sensitive and in 2-3 days the skin already is in healing mode, creating a protective scab wish will completely resolve by 7-10 days. It is important to follow all home care recommendation and continue to apply ScarFix ointment available though our clinic, as directed by your practitioner.